Food Background

Selasa, 30 April 2013


                A compound sentence is a sentence that contains two or more sentences joined into one using a coordinate conjunction, such as and, or, but, yet, so, for. The following the examples:
1.       AND  (addition)
Dolphins are friendly animals and they are also intelligent.
2.       OR (alternation)
Are you going to the party, or will you stay home?
3.       BUT (contrast)
Her cousin moved away, but she stayed in town.
4.       YET (contrast)
Michelle is a vegetarian, yet she eats chicken.
5.       SO (result)
The books were cheap, so I bought all of them.
6.       FOR (cause)
That student failed, for he was very ill this year.
Combine each group of sentences with one of the coordinate contunctions ( and,or, but, yet, so,for).
1.       Mr Anderson is an intelligent and stimulating teacher.
Also, he takes an interest in the personal well-being of his student. (omit also)
Answer :
Mr Anderson is an intelligent and stimulating teacher and Also, he takes an interest in the personal well-being of his student. (omit also)

2.       You should  get the licence right away.
If you don’t, you’II have to pay a fine.
Answer :
You should get the licence right away or If you don’t, you’II have to pay a fine.

3.       Andy earns a  good salary.
He never seems to have any money.
Answer :
Andy earns a  good salary But He never seems to have any money.

4.       John is a very lazy student.
Also, he always comes late to class.
John is a very lazy student  So Also, he always comes late to class.

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